Beauty treatments

Would you like to book a treatment?

In order for our therapists to be able to give you both your desired time and the treatment you have chosen, we should have your booking well in advance of your arrival.


Eyebrowplucking, 15 min, 195 SEK
Eyebrow coloring, 15 min, 315 SEK
Eyebrow coloring + plucking, 25 min, 365 SEK
Eye lash coloring, 25 min, 345 SEK
Eyelash coloring + eyebrow plucking, 25 min, 395 SEK
Eyelash and eyebrow coloring + eyebrow plucking, 30 min, 465 SEK


Look good all the way to your fingertips! The hands get exfoliated with a lovely softening scrub. The fingernails get filed and shaped and we soften the cuticles. The treatment ends with a lovely hand and forearm massage and nails get painted.
45 min, 595 SEK


Whole legs, 60 min, 695 SEK
Half legs, 30 min, 395 SEK
Bikini, 30 min, 365 SEK
Armpits, 30 min, 335 SEK
Arms, 30 min, 365 SEK
Back, 40 min, 485 SEK
Breast, 40 min, 485 SEK
Whole legs+Bikini, 75 min, 895 SEK
Half legs+bikini, 45 min, 695 SEK

Pore extraction

Only as an addition to Light Face, Our Facial Treatment, and Men’s Facial Treatment.
15 min, 150 kr