gazpacho, herb oil, chips
195 kr
carpaccio, parmesan, ramson, sunflowerseeds, capers
255 kr
toast with chanterelles from Österlen, cream, cheese, mustard, summer greens
265 kr
celeriac, hazelnut, aged cheese
345 kr
cod, cauliflower puree, new potatoes, trout roe, horseradish
395 kr
lamb, mushroom, mushroompuré, minicarrot, carrotpuré, new potatoes
395 kr
“Piratens” veal patties, pickled cucumber, lingonberries, calvados sauce
275 kr
fresh strawberries, chocolate cake, strawberry ice cream, herbs and flower from the garden
155 kr
3 pieces of cheese, applemarmalade, crispbread
165 kr
ice cream of the evening
85 kr
65 kr